glFTPd best practice

just my humble opinion about glFTPd

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Welcome to glFTPd best practice

So you want to run glFTPd.

DISCLAIMER: What you can read here is just my humble opinion.

Take everything with a grain of salt, keep having fun and question everything.

You know it’s all about fun. Even if it gets serious :-)


Do not invent your own logging but use already established mechanisms for that. One of them is syslog(). That’s easy to use :-)

Recently the rsyslogd syslog server became popular. You can use it on all the platforms that are supported by glFTPd.

Since glFTPd is run within chroot we provide a chrooted /dev/log file and listen on localhost on some udp port to receive log messages

Then we format them and write that out to a logfile in ftp-data/logs where software like pzs-ng can pick the messages up and process them as events or something.

While this is an example for FreeBSD it also works with Leenox. Just keep in mind that /var/run/log is /dev/log there.

#   __  ____  __       ___
#  / /_/ / /_/ /____  / _/
# / __/ / __/ __/ _ \/ _/
# \__/ /\__/\__/\___/_/
#   /_/
#  / rsyslog config
module(load="imudp") # needs to be done just once
input(type="imudp" inputname="imudp.glftpd" address="" port="11514")
input(type="imuxsock" HostName="chroot.glftpd" Socket="/opt/server/glftpd/var/run/log")
$template glftpdFormat,"%timegenerated:::date-wdayname% %timegenerated:1:3% %timegenerated:::date-day% %timegenerated:::date-hour%:%timegenerated:::date-minute%:%timegenerated:::date-second% %timegenerated:::date-year% %syslogtag% %msg:2:$%\n"
# Log anything from host glftpd to logfile
if $hostname == 'chroot.glftpd' then /opt/server/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/syslog.log;glftpdFormat
& stop
if $inputname == 'imudp.glftpd' then /opt/server/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/syslog.log;glftpdFormat
& stop

pzs-ng reads logfiles using regular expressions that differ for each known logtype.

0. glftpdlog set regex ^.+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d{4} (\S+): (.+)
1. loginlog  see logtype 2
2. sysoplog  set regex ^.+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d{3} \[(\d+)\s*\] (.+)

so we use logtype glftpdlog in ngBot.conf:

set glftpdlog(SYSLOG)       "$glroot/ftp-data/logs/syslog.log"

cscripts and why scriptable does not necessarily mean you have to use a bash (coming up)

glFTPd is known as a scriptable ftp server. You can hook into most events that occur during the session for example the creation of a directory or deletion of a file and let a script decide if that action is allowed to take place or not. Cool thing :-)

Just imagine a rat pack of clients rushing on your ftp server trying to create directories. Your script gets executed very often within a short period of time and that’s when you realize your load increases quite a bit.

Soon users start to yell at you because they feel your ftp server lags like hell.

Maybe that’s because you used a shell script as a cscript which is perfectly ok to do unless you could replace that script with a compiled program.

People tend to love golang or rust nowerdays but C is fine :-)

See f-dirprecheck

My own goal is to not have any shell script within glroot/bin.

configuration for the sitebot belongs solely into ngBot.conf (coming up)

Changes to pzs-ng happen from time to time. To also keep your sitebot up to date use symlinks from the sitebot’s installation path to the source directory of pzs-ng which is regularly updated using git pull.

ngBot.conf.defaults -> ../src/pzs-ng/sitebot/ngBot.conf.defaults
ngBot.conf.dist -> ../src/pzs-ng/sitebot/ngBot.conf.dist -> ../src/pzs-ng/sitebot/
ngBot.tcl -> ../src/pzs-ng/sitebot/ngBot.tcl
ngBot.vars -> ../src/pzs-ng/sitebot/ngBot.vars

this implies that you absolutely have to avoid changes to these files! All changes belong to ngBot.conf or you loos updateability.

Refrain from manually editing ngBot.tcl or modules/glftpd.tcl. If you cannot live without editing those files better report it to the devs on irc in #pzs-ng@efnet.

You can configure Plugins in ngBot.conf instead of editing the plugin’s tcl file like this

variable ::ngBot::plugin::NickDb::libSQLite "/lib/sqlite3/"
variable ::ngBot::plugin::Blow::keyx "false"
set ::ngBot::plugin::Blow::blowkey(#winamp) "somepass"

generate your configs to get tooled changes (coming up)

version control is a thing (coming up)

get your rights section straight (coming up)

keep your libraries updated (coming up)

uids and gids or why sitebot gets its own system user (coming up)

encryption is mandatory (coming up)